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What Do Crocodiles Have To Do With Flexible Magnetic Insect Screens?

If the mozzies don't get you the crocodiles will.

  • October 2004 - A 4 metre crocodile attacks a man sleeping in a tent on the beach at Cape Melville in far north Queensland.
  • October 2004 - A 34 year old man injured when attacked in a tent at Bathurst Bay, north Queensland

When camping in northern Australia around coastal areas, rivers, swamps and estuaries for safetys sake camp in your vehicle. The dangers of crocodile attack while asleep in your tent is a very real threat indeed.

By sleeping in your vehicle you will keep the crocodiles out, and installing Flexible Magnetic Insect Screens on your vehicle will keep out the mozzies, midgees and other creepy crawleys.

The crocodile that is most dangerous to humans is the saltwater crocodile: crocodylus porosus.

The salt water crocodile can grow up to 7 metres long and weigh over 1000kg.

The salt water crocodile can be found in northern parts of Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. They live around coastal areas and in rivers, swamps and estuaries.

Safety in Crocodile Country
Follow these guidelines and stay safe:

  • Obey crocodile warning signs.
  • Never swim in water in crocodile habitat, even if there are no warning signs.
  • Always stand a few metres back from the waters edge when fishing.
  • Never clean fish or chuck out fish scraps near the waters edge, around camp sites or at boat ramps.
  • Camp at least 2 metres above high water mark and at least 50 metres from the water's edge.
  • Never leave food scraps  in your camp site. Also check that previous campers have not left food scraps around your site.
  • Do not prepare food, wash dishes or perform any other activity near the water's edge.
  • Do not feed crocodiles, nor provoke or interfere with them - it's dangerous.
  • Never dangle your arms or legs over the side of a boat, or straddle a log or a rock hanging over the water.
  • Always supervise your children and dogs around crocodile habitat.
  • Crocodiles are most active at night and during the breeding season, September to April.
