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Biting Midges (Sandflies) and Midgee Mesh

Biting midges are very small insects with piercing and sucking mouthparts. Adult midges are 1.5mm to 4.0 mm long with short legs.

Biting midges, also known as sandflies inhabit coastal lagoons, estuaries, mangrove swamps and tidal flats.

Female midges attack humans in large numbers, biting areas of exposed skin on the face, scalp, hands and limbs.

Biting midges are responsible for acute discomfort, irritation and severe local reactions. Although itching may commence immediately after being bitten, in most cases people are unaware of being bitten until some hours after the attacks.

Some people experience an allergic reaction to midge bites, resulting in persistent reactions that blister and weep serum from the bite site. These reactions can last for several days to several weeks.

There is no known method of efficiently controlling biting midges. Avoid habitat localities, especially at dusk and dawn, wear protective clothing and an insect repellant on exposed skin areas.

Midgee Mesh

Midgee mesh is an option on all of the insect screening solutions available from Top Gear 2 Go.

The aperture size of the mesh is 0.6mm x 0.6mm and in addition to providing screening protection from biting midge attack the mesh also presents a shade factor of 64%.

Because the midge mesh aperture size is small, airflow can be reduced when compared to the more open mozzie mesh with a larger aperture size.

For protection from biting midges specify Midgee Mesh for your Flexible Magnetic Insect Screens or other insect screening products from Top Gear 2 Go.
